Saturday, February 27, 2010

Meeting an angel

A while back I wrote about the day that I talked to someone on the hotline. What an angel in disguise they were. Today I got to meet that person and give them a big hug. I love Saturday morning meetings. They are well attended and lots of great discussion goes on. I listened to this person talking today and then I also spoke, and after the meeting they came up and asked if I had called the hotline a few weeks ago. I said "Yes, I did, are you the person I talked to?" "Yep, its me! How great it was to thank them. They said the thanks really belongs to God, that they just acted through them. We talked for quite a while. It's awesome when you can thank someone in person. I met with my sponsor for the first time last night and it was great. So many things to learn. One is that alcoholics are often perfectionists. We like things perfect, we are extremely critical and hard on ourselves. How true this is! My sponsor told me to put the big stick away and to stop beating myself up every morning. I never realized how true this is. But like most things in life this habit won't be broken overnight. One 24 hours at a time. With the help of God. Isn't that how we should live anyway? Have to go, but will write more tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. the first time I met with my sponsor I really felt excited about how much I could feel she was going to teach me. and it never stops :) I learn something new everyday, and at every meeting, and everytime I call my sponsor whether its to whine or just to say hi. I have my bad days I do, but I really just love myself and life these days :)
