Friday, May 28, 2010

Flash 55 Friday


It’s here! Never thought it
Would come!
Warm days, humidity haze
Sprinklers, pools, and bikes,
Sidewalk chalk, and starry nights.
Crickets, fireflies, amongst frogs peeping.
A campout in the yard.
Fireworks, watermelons, popsicles, and s’mores.
Running with the neighborhood pack,
Scooters, skates and trikes.
Baths and evening breezes.
Smelling like sunshine while
Drifting to sleep.

My two youngest help me write this. I asked them what things reminded them of summer. Of course I had enough to write a book by the time they were done, so I selected a few. Today was the last day of school for them. Tomorrow we are headed to the cottage for the weekend. Enjoy the sun, breath deeply, and love life! Happy Weekend!


  1. They, and you, did a good job of bringing a sense of Summer to this cold and rainy day.

  2. Love the summertime. TGIF!

  3. Such a happy 55, filled with fun things, so like young children. I think we older folks
    ( 65 ) need to do them to keep our hearts young!

    My poetry book - Life's Journey by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon
    ( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my journey through life, some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )

  4. smelling like sunshine as you drift off to that. we camp out all the time. nice 55.

    glad you picked up is a defining book in my spiritual journey....

  5. Great input from the youngsters. During a brief warm spell this spring we cooked smores over the backyard fire pit. Can't wait for the real summer. My 55 is HERE .

  6. HA!
    Summer bliss abounds today DBG...
    Excellent 55 My Friends...
    (I included the chlies)
    Thanks for visiting, thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

  7. Good "55", and you get the children involved! 70 years after, I still remember the utter JOY of biking home at the end of my first year at school, that LAST day of Grade One. Oh! What a feeling of Freedom!

    About camping...I do not sleep outside--I DID, but that was because I had run out of places to be "inside"...I DO have stories, though--grin!

    You are a good Peep, see ya next time here.
